Sunday, September 8, 2024

What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis In Young Adults

Key Points About Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis in Young People | Causes & Treatment | Manorama Online
  • JIA is a form of arthritis in children ages 16 or younger. It causes joint inflammation and stiffness for more than 6 weeks.
  • The disease may affect a few joints or many joints. It may cause symptoms all over the body.
  • The most common symptoms include swollen, stiff, warm, red, and painful joints.
  • Treatment options include medicines, physical therapy, healthy eating and exercise, eye exams, and rest.

Charlotte Y Is Always Tired Weak And In Pain She Struggles To Do Everyday Things Like Showering

Im always very tired, got lots of weakness in my arms so I struggle to hold a saucepan, open a tin, things like that, simple things which people dont think any different of. And struggle to get out of bed sometimes in the mornings, its quite a challenge just to get out of bed. Getting dressed, showering, need help a lot of the time with that. Luckily Ive got a nice devoted husband who does it for me now . My joints get very stiff, they flare up, often have to take off my wedding ring because it just blows up and it just hurts. Yeah just general pain.

What Does Osteoarthritis Feel Like

Osteoarthritis can cause all, or some, of the following symptoms in one, or multiple, joints:

  • Pain when moving the affected joint
  • Tenderness when applying pressure to the area
  • Reduced movement and flexibility
  • Stiffness in the joint after long periods of rest, such as waking after a nights sleep
  • External swelling, which indicates inflammation inside the joint
  • A grating sensation on the inside of the joint when moving it
  • A popping or clicking sound when moving
  • Hard lumps forming on the joint, which indicates the development of bone spurs

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What Happens In A Joint Affected By Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, your immune system can cause inflammation inside a joint or a number of joints. Inflammation is normally an important part of how your immune system works. It allows the body to send extra fluid and blood to a part of the body under attack from an infection. For example, if you have a cut that gets infected, the skin around it can become swollen and a different colour.

However, in the case of rheumatoid arthritis, this inflammation in the joint is unnecessary and causes problems.

When the inflammation goes down, the capsule around the synovium remains stretched and cant hold the joint in its proper position. This can cause the joint to become unstable and move into unusual positions.

The following can play a part in why someone has rheumatoid arthritis:

The Difference Between Rheumatoid Arthritis And Osteoarthritis

Three Main Types of Arthritis

Like RA, people with osteoarthritis can experience painful and stiff joints that make moving around difficult.

People with OA may have joint swelling after extended activity, but OA doesnt cause significant enough inflammatory reaction to result in redness of the affected joints.

Unlike RA, OA isnt an autoimmune disease. Its related to the natural wear and tear of the joints as you age, or it can develop as a result of trauma.

OA is most often seen in older adults. However, it can sometimes be seen in younger adults who overuse a particular joint such as tennis players and other athletes or those whove experienced a severe injury.

RA is an autoimmune disease. The joint damage from RA isnt caused by normal wear and tear. Its caused by your body attacking itself.

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Talk To Your Healthcare Provider

RA is a chronic disease that doesnt currently have a cure. That said, most people with RA dont have constant symptoms. Instead, they have flare-ups followed by relatively symptom-free periods called remissions.

The course of the disease varies from person to person, and symptoms can range from mild to severe.

Though symptoms may stop for extended periods, joint problems caused by RA will usually get worse over time. Thats why early treatment is so important to help delay serious joint damage.

If youre experiencing any symptoms or have concerns about RA, talk to your healthcare provider.

Recognizing Symptoms Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Jasmine was experiencing the onset of rheumatoid arthritis, says Anders Peck, M.D., a rheumatologist at The Seattle Arthritis Clinic at Northwest Outpatient Medical Center and Jasmines doctor.

Its not like one day you wake up and everything is terrible, but severe pain and stiffness can start and worsen over a course of several days to a week. People might notice significant stiffness in the morning and swollen joints without any mechanical trigger. They may find that they have difficulties doing simple things such as lifting a coffee cup, writing or buttoning a shirt, says Peck.

Symmetrical joint swelling is also an identifying characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. The pain and inflammation that started in Jasmines right elbow joint and then affected her left elbow is a classic manifestation.

Its best to go to a doctor on the early side of recognizing symptoms such as these.

Its important to treat rheumatoid arthritis early after it starts. It is an autoimmune disease and may be easier to treat before the immune system becomes established in an abnormal pattern. Early treatment also helps to prevent the likelihood of severe damage to the joints in the future, says Peck.

But it can sometimes be challenging for young women who are otherwise healthy to recognize what theyre experiencing as symptoms of a disease.

I would take a lot of really long, hot showers. And I would sleep, says Jasmine.

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Why Is Early Diagnosis Important

For some people who need surgery to replace a joint, often the symptoms do not get bad enough to notice until it is too late in the course of the disease to perform successful surgery. You can also delay the progression of OA by getting diagnosed and treated early. If you experience any symptoms of OA, it is important to see a healthcare provider.

Whats The Normal Sed Rate For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

Sed rate is a blood test that helps detect inflammation in your body. Your healthcare provider may also use this test to watch how your RA progresses. Normal sed rates are as follows:

People designated male at birth Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
> 50 years old 30 mm/hr

In rheumatoid arthritis, your sed rate is likely higher than normal. To take part in clinical trials related to rheumatoid arthritis, you usually need an ESR of 28 mm/hr. With treatment, your sed rate may decrease. If you reach the normal ranges listed above, you may be in remission.

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Helping Your Child Live With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Help your child manage his or her symptoms by sticking to the treatment plan. This includes getting enough sleep. Encourage exercise and physical therapy and find ways to make it fun. Work with your child’s school to make sure your child has help as needed. Work with other caregivers to help your child take part as much possible in school, social, and physical activities. Your child may also qualify for special help under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. You can also help your child find a support group to be around with other children with JIA.

Can Rheumatoid Arthritis Go Away

No, rheumatoid arthritis doesnt go away. Its a condition youll have for the rest of your life. But you may have periods where you dont notice symptoms. These times of feeling better may come and go.

That said, the damage RA causes in your joints is here to stay. If you dont see a provider for RA treatment, the disease can cause permanent damage to your cartilage and, eventually, your joints. RA can also harm organs like your lung and heart.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you may feel like youre on a lifelong roller coaster of pain and fatigue. Its important to share these feelings and your symptoms with your healthcare provider. Along with X-rays and blood tests, what you say about your quality of life will help inform your treatment. Your healthcare provider will assess your symptoms and recommend the right treatment plan for your needs. Most people can manage rheumatoid arthritis and still do the activities they care about.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 02/18/2022.


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Heres How You Can Be Part Of Arthritis Research

If you are diagnosed with arthritis or another musculoskeletal condition, we encourage you to participate in future studies by joining CreakyJoints patient research registry, ArthritisPower. ArthritisPower is the first-ever patient-led, patient-centered research registry for joint, bone, and inflammatory skin conditions. Learn more and .

What Are The Causes Of Osteoarthritis

main causes of rheumatoid arthritis

The causes of osteoarthritis generally differ between someone who is young and an older person with the condition.

Causes of osteoarthritis in the young include:

  • Being overweight or obese, which puts extra pressure on the weight-bearing joints
  • Leading a sedentary lifestyle
  • Being very active or athletic
  • A family history of osteoarthritis
  • Being born with hip dysplasia
  • Having diabetes or a disorder related to growth hormones

Osteoarthritis in older people and the elderly is usually down to wear and tear of joints that naturally occurs with age.

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Here Are 7 Symptoms To Note According To The Arthritis Foundation Of India:

1. Pain, swelling, stiffness, and tenderness of the joints can interfere with ones daily routine. One can be in immense pain and wont be able to concentrate on the work.

2. Stiffness during the morning that happens due to not moving and sitting in one place.

3. Extreme tiredness and fatigue throughout the day can also be seen in many people.

4. Weakness that can lower your productivity at work.

5. Fever is also one of the signs of rheumatoid arthritis.

6. Loss of appetite is also a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis. Here, one will not feel like eating food.

7. If more than one joint is affected by pain, stiffness, and swelling, which typically worsen with time, then its arthritis.

Blood Tests For Rheumatoid Arthritis

There are several types of blood tests that help your healthcare provider or rheumatologist determine whether you have RA. These tests include:

  • Rheumatoid factor test. The RF blood test checks for a protein called rheumatoid factor. High levels of rheumatoid factor are associated with autoimmune diseases, especially RA.
  • Anticitrullinated peptide antibody test . This test looks for an antibody thats associated with RA. People who have this antibody usually have the disease. However, not everyone with RA tests positive for this antibody. The anti-CCP test is more specific for RA than the RF blood test, and often is positive before the RF test.
  • Antinuclear antibody test. The antinuclear antibody panel tests your immune system to see if its producing antibodies to the nucleus of cells. Your body often makes ANA antibodies as a response to many different types of autoimmune conditions, including RA.
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The ESR test helps determine the degree of inflammation in your body. The result tells your doctor whether inflammation is present. However, it doesnt indicate the cause or site of the inflammation.
  • C-reactive protein test. A severe infection or significant inflammation anywhere in your body can trigger your liver to make C-reactive protein. High levels of this inflammatory marker are associated with RA.

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Living As A Young Person With A Chronic Illness

Managing a chronic illness on top of the already-significant stresses of young adulthood is no walk in the park. Jasmine has developed strategies to help her get through the day-to-day realities of rheumatoid arthritis while keeping her outlook positive.

I wouldnt say that I limit my activities, but I have to be more mindful. More planning has to go into things, and I have to think carefully about how to allocate my energy, says Jasmine.

Peck says that patients with rheumatoid arthritis have to think about their health and healthcare in a way that most people in their young 20s dont.

Another strategy of Jasmines is to stay on top of her preventive care.

I see a massage therapist, and Im going to start some hand therapy, too. Have you seen those gnarly pictures of people whose hands are stuck? Thats not what I want for myself, says Jasmine.

Jasmine attended a support group for a while but decided against continuing with it. She discovered her own best medicine.

For me, staying social was hugely important. I wouldnt have been able to do it if I didnt have my family and my friends to support me, says Jasmine.

She has a piece of advice for anyone else suffering from an autoimmune disease, especially at such a young age:

Find a way to continue to do the things you love even if you have to change it up a little bit. Because thats one thing that really helps to keep your spirits up, says Jasmine.

Gout And Calcium Crystal Diseases

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that can cause painful swelling in joints. It typically affects the big toe, but it can also affect other joints in the body.

Joints affected by gout can become red and hot. The skin may also look shiny and can peel.

Its caused by having too much urate, otherwise known as uric acid, in the body. We all have a certain amount of urate in our body.

However, being overweight or eating and drinking too much of certain types of food and alcoholic drinks can cause some people to have more urate in their bodies. The genes you inherit can make you more likely to develop gout.

If it reaches a high level, urate can form into crystals that remain in and around the joint. They can be there for a while without causing any problems and even without the person realising they are there.

A knock to a part of the body or having a fever can lead to the crystals falling into the soft part of the joint. This will cause pain and swelling.

There are drugs that can reduce the amount of urate in the body and prevent gout attacks. Examples are allopurinol and . If youre having a gout attack, youll also need short-term pain relief. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as well as paracetamol can be good drugs to try first.

Men can get gout from their mid-20s, and in women its more common after the menopause. Taking water tablets can increase the risk of gout.

There are also conditions that cause calcium crystals to form in and around joints.

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Am I Too Young To Have Arthritis

Younger people with joint pain, swelling, or stiffness often dismiss arthritis as a cause. After all, arthritis is for old people, right?

Not at all. About 7% of doctor-diagnosed arthritis cases are in people 18 to 44. Theres even a juvenile form that occurs in children less than 16 years old. 50 million adults and 300,000 children have some form of it.

Only a doctor can tell you for sure whether you have arthritis, but here are some things to keep in mind.

Can I Prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis

You cannot prevent rheumatoid arthritis because the cause of the disease is not known.

Quitting smoking, or never smoking, will reduce your risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. You are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis if someone in your close family has it, but unfortunately there is no way to reduce this risk.

People who have rheumatoid arthritis often experience flare ups, which are times when their joints are particularly sore. Learning what triggers your flare ups can help reduce or prevent them.

For some people, stress can trigger a flare up, so can being run down or pushing yourself beyond your limits. Having an infection, missing a dose of your medicine or changing your treatment plan can also cause a flare up.

Keeping a food and activity diary may help work out your personal triggers but keep in mind that sometimes flare ups happen without any obvious cause.

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/8joint Inflammation Pain And Stiffness

Rheumatoid arthritis is said to attack the lining of the joints, which causes pain and swelling that gradually leads to bone erosion and joint deformity.

That said, in the early stages of RA, people may not experience any redness or swelling, but may suffer from pain and tenderness.

According to Arthritis Foundation of India, some of the symptoms to note are as follows:

– Joint pain, tenderness, swelling or stiffness that lasts for six weeks or longer.

– Morning stiffness that lasts for 30 minutes or longer.

– More than one joint is affected.

– Small joints are typically affected first.

– The same joints on both sides of the body are affected.

What Are The Symptoms Of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

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Symptoms may appear during episodes . Or they may be ongoing . Each childs symptoms can vary. Symptoms may include:

  • Swollen, stiff, and painful joints in the knees, hands, feet, ankles, shoulders, elbows, or other joints, often in the morning or after a nap
  • Eye inflammation
  • High fever and rash
  • Swollen lymph nodes

These symptoms can seem like other health conditions. Make sure your child sees his or her healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

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Your Everyday Life With Ra

It may be a shock when your doctor tells you that you have RA. You may be worried that you wonât be able to stay in your job, stay active, or clean your house. You may fear that your body will change or that you wonât be able to have an enjoyable, full life.

But you can treat and manage your RA. Newer, more aggressive treatments help more people stay active and control their pain. These advances mean you could have a better quality of life with RA than many people diagnosed before you.

Your doctor will tell you to exercise. Do it. Exercise is good for your joints if you have arthritis. No matter what activity you do, it can give you more energy, strengthen your muscles and bones, and improve your quality of life. If youâre worried about doing any activity with RA, talk to your doctor or physical therapist first.

You can also stay on your career track. If RA symptoms make some of your work duties difficult, you have a legal right to ask your employer to make reasonable changes. You can ask for an ergonomic desk. You can ask for flexible work hours or a relaxed dress code.

Some activities are not a good idea if you have RA. Donât smoke. Even social smoking can make your inflammation worse. Your RA can become more severe when you smoke. Youâre less likely to go into remission. If you smoke, quit or get help to quit. Skip alcohol, too. It can affect the way your meds work. Get more tips on living with RA.

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