Monday, September 16, 2024

What Can I Give Dog For Arthritis

Inflammation: The Real Cause Of Dog Arthritis

Easy DIY Dog Arthritis Massage at Home – Marc Smith DVM

We once thought arthritis was the result of wear and tear but more recent research shows this isnt the case. Researchers say arthritis may be the result of chronic, low-grade inflammation.

In a nutshell, the immune system releases proteins that damage joints. These proteins bind to cartilage-producing cells in the joints and lead to the secretion of more damaging proteins. This creates a cascade of chronic, low-grade inflammation in the joint. And if your dog already has some arthritic changes it can create more pain.

Low-grade chronic inflammation isnt just linked to arthritis. Its now believed to be the cause of virtually every health condition and disease. Dr Brent Bauer, director of the Mayo Clinic Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program, says

Inflammation appears to play a role in many chronic diseases

Now you might be thinking, Great, Ill give my dog anti-inflammatory drugs and the arthritis will go away. But those drugs wont address the cause of your dogs inflammation. And new research shows NSAIDs can cause even more damage to your dogs joints and soft tissue.

Not all inflammation in the body is a bad thing. Acute inflammation is part of the bodys natural healing process. It sends white blood cells to the affected area when your dog gets exposed to viruses or bacteria or if he hurts himself.

But chronic inflammation is not good. Its the kind of inflammation that stays for weeks, months and even years.

What Can You Give Dogs For Arthritis Pain

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, help reduce swelling, stiffness, and joint pain in humans, and they can do the same for your dog.

They can bring relief to a dog with arthritis, or one who’s just had surgery.

But don’t give your pooch something from your medicine cabinet.

Video answer: What to give my dog for pain?

9 other answers

Just as with human beings, dogs can also benefit from receiving supplements a more natural remedy for dog arthritis provided they are in the right dose, are safe for canine consumption, and do not interact with any other medications being ingested.

CBD Oil to Treat Arthritis in Dogs A treatment option that has gained popularity in recent years is using CBD oil to treat arthritis in dogs. In short, CBD is a compound found in cannabis and hemp…

Other pain-relieving medications like tramadol, amantadine and gabapentin may be prescribed by veterinarians, particularly if a dogs arthritis is severe or does not respond to other forms of treatment.

NSAIDs. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, help reduce swelling, stiffness, and joint pain in humans, and they can do the same for your dog. They can bring relief to a dog with arthritis, or one who’s just had surgery. But don’t give your pooch something from your medicine cabinet.

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We’ve handpicked 29 related questions for you, similar to «What do you give a dog for arthritis pain?» so you can surely find the answer!

If You Want To Help Your Dog With Arthritis First Call Your Vet

Going to the vet is extremely important, especially for older dogs. I would argue that other than you, your veterinarian is your dogs biggest ally.

As a veterinarian, I believe its my job to listen carefully to what dog parents are saying and read between the lines to pick up on changes that they may not realize are significant. A thorough nose-to-tail examination and some diagnostic tests complete the picture. Then we can work together to tackle whatever challenges your dog is facing.

If your veterinarian diagnoses your dog with arthritis based on a physical examination and your observations, dont despair. There are countless ways to help a dog with arthritis at home!

Options like pain medications, joint supplements for dogs, physical therapy, laser therapy for dogs, and acupuncture can all help relieve arthritis pain in dogs. There isnt a particular treatment that is superior to the others. In fact, the best results often come from a multimodal approachusing several of these options together. Much like people, each dog responds differently, so finding the right combination for your dog can take a bit of trial and error but pay huge dividends in quality of life.

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Over The Counter Dog Arthritis Pain Relief

Some dog arthritis pain reliefmedication can be bought over the counter. There are several products onthe market for which you do not need a medical prescription, but it is recommended to use them in low doses only. If the pain persists, you should consult your veterinarian for prescription medication. Some anti-inflammatory medication that you can buy over the counter can have serious side effects, so if you notice any changes in your dog after administering such drugs, stop the administration immediately and see your veterinarian.

Recognizing Old Dog Behaviors

What can I give my dog for arthritis pain over the counter?

If your dog is over the age of 5, you should start to look for any signs that might indicate they are losing some of their cognitive abilities. If you see any signs, call your veterinarian. Veterinarians run additional tests in dogs to ensure they arenât dealing with other health issues that can cause similar functional problems.

Keep in mind that your older dog may not be able to control their behavior as well as they once did. This is due to the changes that they are experiencing. Other health issues that might pop up in your aging pup are specific organ problems, kidney disease, diabetes, or heart issues.

If your dog is not responding as much to seeing their favorite toy or hearing its sound, then they might be losing their vision and hearing. It can be hard to tell unless there is a visual indicator such as cataracts. A visit to the veterinarian can help you identify problems.

As your dog ages, you should pay close attention to the cues that they are giving you. Observation is one of the best methods of figuring out what is going on with your best friend. You might be able to make them more comfortable. You might even be able to identify and treat an underlying condition that can give you both a few more rewarding years together.

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Medication Options For Treating Arthritis In Dogs

Many vets will prescribe medication to keep dogs with arthritis as comfortable as possible.

Most arthritis medications work by decreasing inflammation and/or pain, explains Jennifer Coates, DVM, a small animal veterinarian in Colorado who serves on the advisory board for Pet Life Today. Some arthritis supplements have a similar, albeit often less powerful action, but may also improve joints by promoting cartilage health and the production of protective joint fluid.

NSAIDs for dogs

These anti-inflammatory medications are similar to the ibuprofen or aspirin you would find at the local drug store. But, they are formulated specifically for your pooch. Just dont share from your medicine cabinet. Over-the-counter Advil or Aleve are toxic to dogs and should never be given. Doggy NSAID options include:

  • Deramaxx

When a vet prescribes one of these medications, you can pick them up at the pharmacy where you get your own prescriptions filled, and use your SingleCare card to save.

Your veterinarian will explain the dosage of each medication that is appropriate for your dog. It depends on the medication and the size of your dog.

If you have arthritis, too, dont just share your prescription with your pet. Dr. Coates cautions human arthritis medications can be very dangerous for dogs and can lead to serious side effects when given at the wrong dose, in conjunction with other medications, or to a dog with other health problems.

Honest Paws Relief Bites

Image Courtesy ofHonest Paws

This is the second time a product from Honest Paws has landed on our list, and for good reason. This company prides itself on providing high-quality health supplements for your pets, taking the time and energy needed to iron out every little detail. One product that we are amazed by happens to be their CBD chews, which come in a number of formulations depending on the specific goal of treatment. For arthritis, we recommend the Relief Bites.

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Physical And Alternative Therapy To Treat Arthritis In Dogs

In addition to diet, supplements, and medications, there are also therapy treatment options available to help manage a dogs arthritis pain. Physical therapy, like appropriate forms of regular exercise, as mentioned earlier can be extremely beneficial for dogs with arthritis. Many owners also find hydrotherapy, or water therapy, helpful.

Holistic therapies, like acupuncture, can be useful as well. Acupressure and targeted pulsed electromagnetic field therapy are other alternative options that may be useful for the treatment of arthritis in dogs.

Make Grooming A Ritual

How to Help Your Dog With Arthritis

To make sure your pup doesnt trip, slid or fall over, grooming is essential. Try to make this into a daily or weekly ritual and keep their nails trimmed.

Having trimmed nails will prevent your pup from becoming unsteady on their feet and will help gait. If you let their nails grow too long, this can lead to painful paws and uneven walking patterns.

If your pup tries to avoid the pain from their overgrown nails by shifting their weight onto their hind legs, its going to make canine arthritis even worse.

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Joint Problems In Older Dogs

Older dogs are highly susceptible to various health problems, including joint issues. One of the most common is arthritis, which could also occur prematurely to younger canines.

Arthritis occurs due to trauma and accumulated damage to the joints. As your dog uses its joints to walk, run, and guard your yard, the cartilage thins slowly. Over the years, the cartilage will be gone, which will cause the bones to rub with each other and the surrounding ligaments and tissues.

However, arthritis can also be developmental, which means your dog is born with a high predisposition to the condition. Large guard dogs like Bullmastiff and Rottweiler are prone to arthritis later due to their heavier bodies. Also, these dogs are active, which will take its toll on their joints.

On the other hand, small dogs can also acquire arthritis. Obesity and excessive physical activities will cause more stress to their small joints.

Just like humans, any dog can develop arthritis later in life. What you need to do is to have it diagnosed as early as possible. This way, you and the vet can work together to improve your dogs quality of life.

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In addition to the use of joint supplements, pain control is a mainstay of osteoarthritis treatment. The most commonly used pain control medications for more severe osteoarthritis are Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs . NSAIDs can not only reduce pain, but also decrease inflammation in the joints.

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Paw Cbd Hip & Joint Soft Chews

Image Courtesy ofPaw CBD

Paw CBD has earned a reputation for excellence with regards to its line of pet-friendly CBD products. And its hip and joint chews are no exception to this amazing trend. Each chewable supplement comes in a tail-wagging bacon flavor, with your choice of three different strengths. This means it is possible to pick up a bottle for your Great Dane and one for your Teacup Poodle without missing a beat. No more getting begging eyes from the little one when the big dogs get twice the treats!

Natural Joint Pain Relief For Dogs With Arthritis

What Can I Give My Dog For Joint Pain?

If you prefer to say no to prescription medication from your DVM veterinarian, its time to consider alternative tools and treatments for your dog’s arthritis.

Many pet parents are concerned about the side effects that surgery and prescription medication can have on their beloved animals.

Despite many treatments being completely safe, if you still prefer to find a less invasive or drug-free approach to treating arthritis in dogs, we hear you loud and clear!

With many chronic conditions, treatment for canine arthritis in dogs is all about making your pet feel more comfortable and happier.

Whether its walking pain-free or sleeping without worrying about stiff joints in the morning.

Simple lifestyle changes are often very effective in improving your pups overall sense of health and well-being.

So, whether you have a senior pup unable to go down the medical route or have an energetic puppy suffering from canine arthritis.

Were about to reveal ten amazing natural arthritis treatments for dogs that dont involve drugs, surgery, or seeing your veterinarian.

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Switch To Fresh Snacks

Antioxidants are a great way to fight inflammation and help chronic canine health conditions.

High in essential vitamins and minerals, try and upgrade your pups snacks or mealtime by introducing blueberries to their diet.

Packed up with vitamin C, blueberries will help strengthen their bones and the connective tissue in joints.

Since weight has a significant impact on how much pain your pup will be in, pay close attention to the snacks, and treats youre giving them throughout the day.

Carrot sticks are a healthy and delicious snack to treat an arthritic dog. Fresh and crunchy carrots are full of essential nutrients such as vitamin A, potassium, and fiber.

Far better for a dog hoping to slim down, a baby carrot stick is a fantastic replacement for any dog biscuit.

Plus, this root vegetable is super low in calories and contains pantothenic acid, folate, iron, and copper.

Install Area Rugs Or Mat Flooring

I used to be really proud of my homes gleaming hardwood floors, well, I guess I still am but they are currently covered in area rugs because they are not good for treating dogs with arthritis at home.

Its really hard for bigger dogs to get up from a hardwood floor and all that strain makes the progression of arthritis more rapid. On top of that, an arthritic dog simply doesnt have the core muscles necessary to confidently walk across slippery hardwood.

If you have wall to wall carpeting, that is great! If not, a bunch of sturdy area rugs will work. Just make sure they have grip backs or place them on top of something like this: rug gripping material or use carpet tape so your arthritic does doesnt have a wipe-out.

The other solution is those roll out mats with rubber backing. They are excellent, dont move and will stop your arthritic dog from sliding.

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Giving Your Dog The Medication

  • 1Give your dog aspirin with food. Giving your dog aspirin with food or immediately after a meal can help decrease the chances of stomach irritation. You can even crush up your dogs aspirin and mix it in with wet food or soft treats.XResearch source
  • Giving your dog aspirin with food helps reduce the chances that the aspirin will come into contact with the stomach lining. This, in turn, helps decrease the risk of an upset stomach, ulcers, and other potential complications.
  • Mixing crushed aspirin with dried food may not be as effective, since the crushed pieces may fall to the bottom of the bowl as debris.
  • 2Mix an aspirin-based headache powder with wet food. Instead of using a tablet, some dog owners find it easier to use an aspirin-based headache powder. This can be mixed directly with wet food so that your dog doesnt even notice the medicine.XResearch source
  • Check with your vet in advance to make sure your intended powder is safe for your dog. Some may contain additives or additional ingredients that your dog shouldnt consume.
  • 3Administer a dose of aspirin every 12 hours. Dogs dont metabolize aspirin like humans do, so they cant take it quite as frequently. For an arthritic dog, you should aim to give them their recommended dose of aspirin every 12 hours.XTrustworthy SourcePubMed CentralJournal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of HealthGo to source
  • Video Answer: Dog Pain: Home Remedies That Quickly Work

    How to tell if your dog has arthritis

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, help reduce swelling, stiffness, and joint pain in humans, and they can do the same for your dog.

    They can bring relief to a dog with arthritis, or one who’s just had surgery.

    But don’t give your pooch something from your medicine cabinet.

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, help reduce swelling, stiffness, and joint pain in humans, and they can do the same for your dog.

    They can bring relief to a dog with arthritis, or one who’s just had surgery.

    But don’t give your pooch something from your medicine cabinet.

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    How To Prevent Arthritis In Dogs

    While youre unable to prevent the condition developing in dogs who have age arthritis , it can be prevented in young dogs by restricting them from jumping up on the sofa and running up the stairs while theyre still growing and their joints are developing. Young dogs can be taken on shorter walks and on routes with a limited incline to reduce pressure on their hip and knee joints.

    Medications To Treat Arthritis In Dogs

    Your veterinarian may decide to perform a blood test to determine if your dog is eligible for prescription medication, like non-steroidal anti-inflammatories , to help manage arthritis pain. If your dog is suitable, your veterinarian will work with you on the specifics of dosage and administering the medication. Remember that human NSAIDs, like Ibuprofen or Naproxen, are toxic medications to dogs and should never be given to them for pain relief.

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    How Can I Help A Dog With Arthritis At Home

    Medical advice from your veterinarian is invaluable when you are trying to manage your dogs arthritis pain. However, arthritis treatments like physical therapy and acupuncture are usually performed at your vets office, so you may be wondering how to help a dog with arthritis at home.

    To address this concern, I want to share with you eight at-home arthritis management tips that can make a huge difference for your senior dog.

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