Sunday, September 8, 2024

How To Relieve Arthritis Pain In My Hands

Treatments For Hand Oa

7 Tips to Reduce Hand Arthritis Pain (Physical Therapy Approved)
  • Non-Drug Treatments: Reducing strain on joints with a splint or brace, adapting hand movements, doing hand exercises or using hot or cold therapy can help to ease pain.
  • Drug Treatments: Medicines to ease OA symptoms are available as pills, syrups, creams or lotions, or they are injected into a joint. They include pain relievers like acetaminophen, counterirritants like capsaicin or menthol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids.
  • Surgical Treatments: If medications or self-care activities fails to give relief, surgery may be an option. An orthopaedic surgeon can remove the damaged cartilage and fuse bones together or replace the damaged joint with a plastic, ceramic or metal implant.


You Shouldnt Stress Daily Tasks Like Tying Your Shoes Or Using The Television Remote Because Of Arthritis Ease Hand Pain With These Finger And Hand Exercises For Arthritis

If you consider the countless number of times you need your hands to do things throughout the day, they may be one of the body parts you use most frequently. From brushing your teeth to tying your shoes to turning on and off a light switch, your hands and fingers are involved in so many steps of your daily routine. And if youre a hand talker, they get even more work during the day! But many of these simple tasks can become quite painful if you have arthritis in your hands.1

There are things you can do to help with the discomfort of hand arthritis. For starters, rub some Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel on your hands at the first sign of symptoms. Its the first and only OTC gel to contain an NSAID, a powerful medicine for joint pain due to arthritis. Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel helps you get a better grip on objectswhether its a paintbrush, hammer or shovelto tackle your next DIY project.

Hands exercises and stretches can also provide arthritis pain relief. Focus on using your hands and strengthening them to help reduce arthritis symptoms overall. How exactly? We asked industry experts Blake Dircksen, PT, DPT, CSCS, orthopedic physical therapist at Bespoke Treatments Physical Therapy & Fitness in New York City, and Jordan Metzl, MD, sports medicine physician at Hospital For Special Surgery, to share their top picks for exercises that can help ease arthritis in the hands.

Exercises That Help Relieve Arthritis In The Fingers And Hands

If someone is pain free, it is critical to keep joints in good range of motion. Simple shoulder shrugs, wrist, and finger range of motion exercises help keep joint range of motion, says physical therapist Charles J. Gulas, PT, PhD, GCS, dean of the School of Health Professions at Maryville University of St. Louis. Being pain free is the key, Gulas stresses, especially when doing exercises intended to build strength. When pain acts up, rest and pain management may be a better bet.

Try these range-of-motion exercises to keep your hands, fingers, and thumbs flexible and to ease symptoms of arthritis in the fingers and in the hands overall:

  • Close your fist and then gradually open your hand, stretching your fingers out, then close slowly into a fist again.
  • Make circle motions with your thumb, keeping it straight.
  • Stretch your thumb away from the palm of your hand, then use it to touch each fingertip.

Repeat these exercises 3 to 10 times daily. Stop if you feel pain in a joint or if youâre experiencing additional pain once youre done. Some people find that doing these hand exercises under warm water is helpful. If you have osteoarthritis, you may need to wear a splint, wear a compression glove, or use another type of support to help reduce wear and tear on your joints during your daily activities. Ask your doctor or a physical therapist to recommend the type of device that may help you.

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Exercise #: Finger Bends

Start in the same position as in the last exercise, with your left hand held up straight. Bend your thumb down toward your palm. Hold it for a couple of seconds. Straighten your thumb back up. Then bend your index finger down toward your palm. Hold it for a couple of seconds. Then straighten it. Repeat with each finger on the left hand. Then repeat the entire sequence on the right hand.

Part 5 of 9: Thumb Bend

Surprising Facts About Arthritis Pain

1 Pairs Anti Arthritis Health Therapy Gloves Compression Hand Pain ...

Even though pain may interfere with work relationships and daily life few Americans talk to their doctors about it. Did you know:

  • Fewer than half of Americans with severe or moderate pain report that they have a “great deal of control” over their pain.
  • Fewer than half of people who visit their doctor for pain believe that their doctor completely understands how their pain makes them feel.

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Cochrane Review: Thermotherapy Versus Cryotherapy

A Cochrane Review assessed three randomized, controlled clinical trials involving 179 patients with knee osteoarthritis. Patients were allowed to continue taking their medications but also used hot, cold, or ice packs and towels, with or without massage. They were compared to a control group receiving no treatment. Reviewers looked for outcomes of pain relief, reduction of edema/swelling, and improvement of knee flexion , range of motion, and function. Here are the results of the Cochrane Review:

  • The first of the three studies revealed that massaging with ice for 20 minutes a day, five days a week, for two weeks improved muscle strength in the leg, improved range of motion in the knee, and resulted in less time needed to walk 50 feet, compared to the control group.
  • The second study showed that knee osteoarthritis patients using ice packs for three days a week for three weeks had no significant improvement in pain compared to patients receiving no treatment.
  • The third study indicated that cold packs applied to the knee for 20 minutes, ten times, resulted in decreased swelling compared to the control group who received no treatment. Hot packs used for the same amount of time had the same effect on swelling as the control group who received no treatment.

What Are The Best Treatments For Arthritis In The Hands

November 19, 2019 By Alex Hirsch

Arthritis can be disabling, especially when it is in the hands and fingers. It can prevent you from carrying out normal day-to-day activities such as work duties and preparing meals.

Arthritis is a common disease that causes pain and stiffness within joints, including the hand. Appropriate treatment will depend on the severity of the symptoms, but they can include medications, therapy, lifestyle adjustments, and surgery.

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Cold Weather Effects On Arthritis

People with arthritis say that the warmer weather is more lenient to their symptoms as opposed to the cold weather.

  • Changes In Humidity during the cold weather, there is a lot of damage done to the bone cells and cartilage and this causes cold weather arthritis symptoms to flare up. Also, cold weather increases sensitivity to joints. This intensifies the pain associated with arthritis.
  • Pain Sensitivityâ in general, your body becomes more sensitive during the cold season because of nerve stimulation. This means that people with arthritis have more sensitive and tender joints during the cold season. The flow of blood also increases in the cold season. This cause more blood to collect in the joints affected by arthritis and this causes swelling and redness.
  • Reduction In Physical Activities physical activity matters a lot. In warmer seasons, most people are active but the activity decreases as temperatures drop. It becomes hard for one to exercise and keep active in cold seasons. Most people with arthritis suffer a flare-up of the symptoms because they are not as active in cold season as they are in warmer seasons. This stiffens their joints and causes the pain to worsen when they move.

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Make A Few Wardrobe Changes

5 Quick Hand Exercises For Arthritis – Minimize, Manage, & Relieve Arthritis Pain in Hands

Minor changes to your wardrobe can reduce strain on your hands, helping to ease your overall pain and stiffness. For example, try wearing:

  • Shoes that slip on or use Velcro rather than shoelaces
  • Shirts that pull over the head rather than button up
  • Pants that have elastic waistbands rather than snaps and zippers

Other lifestyle changes can also be helpful. For example, when cooking, use a jar opener, lightweight pots and pans, and kitchen utensils with large handles. An occupational therapist can give you additional ideas on how to reduce strain on hand joints.

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Best Thermotherapy According To Your Knee Arthritis

Lets clarify something first there are over 100 types of arthritis!

See, the word arthritis only means inflammation of the joint. Its a medical term to say the joint is swollen, but it doesnt tell us why.

Now, these are the most common types of arthritis :

  • Osteoarthritis. Due to wear and tear. Ironically, its NOT inflammatory.
  • Gout. Here, uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints, causing inflammation.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. An autoimmune disease that affects the joints.

And, the truth is that anyone with these chronic diseases can benefit from cold and hot therapies.

But, research shows one thermotherapy may provide more benefits than the other, depending on the condition:

Use Heat Or Cold Safely

  • Use either heat or cold for only 15-20 minutes at a time. Let your skin return to its normal temperature before using another application.
  • Always put a towel between your skin and any type of pack.
  • Always follow the advice of your physical therapist or doctor carefully when using these methods especially heat.
  • Check your skin before and after using heat or cold.
  • Use milder temperatures for a child’s skin because it is more sensitive than an adult’s skin.


  • Do not use either heat or cold if you have open cuts or sores.
  • Do not use cold packs if you have poor circulation or vasculitis.
  • Do not use heat that is too hot or cold that is too cold. It is normal for your skin to appear pink after using a hot or cold pack. If an area appears dark red or spotty red and white there may be some skin damage. Blisters also appear if the pack was too hot or too cold.
  • Do not use creams, heat rubs or lotions on your skin while using a hot or cold treatment.
  • Do not make your bath or shower water too hot. This may cause dizziness or fatigue.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Arthritis Of The Elbow

Symptoms of elbow arthritis can include:

  • Pain. In the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis, pain may be primarily on the outer side of the joint. Pain generally gets worse as you turn your forearm. The pain of osteoarthritis may get worse as you extend your arm. Pain that continues during the night or when you are at rest indicates a more advanced stage of osteoarthritis.
  • Swelling. This is more common with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Instability. The joint isn’t stable and gives way, making it difficult or impossible to do normal daily activities.
  • Lack of full movement. You are not able to straighten or bend the elbow.
  • Locking. Your elbow joint catches or locks. This can happen with osteoarthritis.
  • Stiffness. This happens particularly with arthritis that develops after an injury.
  • Pain in both elbows. Having pain in both elbows or pain at the wrists or shoulders as well as pain in the elbows is a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis.

How Do You Use Ice / Cold As Pain Relief For Your Hip Injury

Magnetic Arthritis Gloves Compression Support Fingerless Hand Wrist ...

COLD is used to treat injuries or conditions that are red, hot, inflamed, swollen and suffering from tissue damage . Cold is a natural / organic pain reliever that numbs pain right at the source of your injury. While doing this, the cold also stops cellular break-down and reduces the amount of scar tissue forming .

When cold is applied to a hip injury, soft tissue in the hip will constrict and squeeze on the blood vessels to slow down your blood flow. This in turn clamps down on the amount of fluid leaking into your injured tissue, decreasing swelling. This is why cold is used immediately to treat acute injuries or re-injuries basically, newly damaged soft tissue. The cold slows down your body to reduce the amount of damage happening to soft tissue and decrease the swelling. This cold also has a nice side benefit of numbing nerves in and around your hip, further decreasing your pain.

In the medical world this is something called Vasoconstriction.

Cold can Make Your Soft Tissue Injury Worse How?

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Medications To Treat Hand And Wrist Pain

What you need to know about the many medications used to treat hand and wrist arthritis and related problems.

Medications to ease pain, relieve inflammation, slow bone loss, slow disease progress or prevent joint damage are important in treating many kinds of hand and wrist problems. Medications used to treat arthritis and related conditions that affect the hands and wrists are:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Including more than a dozen different drugs, some of which are available without a prescription, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to help ease arthritis pain and inflammation. They are used for all forms of arthritis. Most NSAIDs are taken orally, but topical preparations are available, such as Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel and Pennsaid.

Corticosteroids. These quick-acting drugs, similar to the cortisone made by your own body, are used to control inflammation. If inflammation is due to a systemic inflammatory disease, your doctor may prescribe oral corticosteroids. If inflammation is limited to one or a few joints, your doctor may inject a corticosteroid preparation directly into the joint.

Other topicals. A variety of salves, creams, gels, patches and other topical treatments contain various active ingredients to relieve pain. Sold as Aspercreme, Ben-Gay, Capzasin-P, Eucalyptamint,Icy Hot and others, they are often effective for hand and wrist pain in muscles and soft tissues that are not too deep from the skins surface.


Exercises To Help Hand Arthritis

Increase hand strength, improve finger and thumb mobility and keep arthritis symptoms at bay with this hand workout.

1. Hand Exercises for Arthritis

The Lancet,

2. Grip Strengthener


3. Gentle Fist
4. Finger Rolls
5. Finger Bends
6. O Shape
7. The OK
8. Finger Lift
9. L Shape
10. Finger Stretch
Get Involved
  • 1355 Peachtree St NE Suite 600
  • Atlanta, GA 30309

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Exercise #: Table Bend

Place the pinky-side edge of your left hand on a table, with your thumb pointed up. Holding your thumb in the same position, bend the other four fingers inward until your hand makes an L shape. Hold it for a couple of seconds, and then straighten your fingers to move them back into the starting position. Repeat 10 times, and then do the same sequence on the right hand.

Part 8 of 9: Finger Lift

Heat And Cold Therapy For Arthritis Pain

How to Get Rid of Arthritic Knee Pain in 30 SECONDS

Heating pads: To avoid burns, remove heating pads if the area becomes uncomfortably warm. When to use caution Paraffin wax treatments supply moist heat but overheating can cause burns.

A heating pad is great for relieving back pain in folks over 50. Back pain is a major problem for people over 50 . These folks need a handy, affordable way to obtain relief, and a good heating pad gives them that. Take the Sunbeam Heating Pad Back Wrap we profiled above. Its designed to address lower back pain.

The use of a heating pad for cats with arthritis is one of the efficient, convenient, and comfortable ways for your cat to alleviate the pain from arthritis. Veterinarians even suggest the use of heating pads as a way of combating the symptoms of arthritis. The reason why heating pads are an effective arthritis treatment is that warming the affected area relaxes the joints and tendons and it improves blood circulation.

To help heal and increase blood flow to the affected joints while relieving pain, heat therapy is often the best option. This is where a hand heating wrap or pad comes in handy. I was recommended one particular brand for relieving pain in the hands caused from arthritis and that is the Active Wrap brand.

Heating pads. Commercially available heating pads can be effective. I have advised a number of patients to try the Thermophore moist heating pad, says Dr. Fields.

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Symptoms Of Arthritis In Hands And Fingers

While not everyone with arthritis in the joints in hands will experience all of these symptoms and some people may not even have anysymptoms at all, below are some common symptoms for hand arthritis:

  • Joint pain. This is initially experienced as a dull, burning sensation after a particularly busy day. As arthritisadvances, the pain becomes sharper and more constant, even occurring at rest.
  • Joint stiffness. This is common in the morning but also occurs after a long day of work or activity involving the hands
  • Crepitus. This is a grinding, grating feeling or a crunchy sound in the hands or wrists on movement.
  • Weakness. It can begin to get difficult to grasp an object or maintain a strong grip or pinch.
  • Warmth or redness. It is common to feel warmth or redness where the joint, ligaments or tissues have become inflamed.
  • Swelling. Swollen joints in fingers, hands and thumbs are very common and can lead to a puffier appearance.
  • Loss of movement. Particularly as arthritis progresses, you may notice loss of movement in the affected joints.
  • Joint shape. You may notice changes in joint shape, or a slight turn in the direction of a finger or thumb.This is usually caused by uneven wearing of cartilage or weakness surrounding tissues or ligaments.
  • Knobbly or crooked fingers. Bone spurs can give a knobbly or crooked appearance to fingers and thumbs, and in some casescan also reduce the function of fingers or thumbs.

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