Sunday, September 8, 2024

Does Arthritis Cause Numbness In Fingers

Treatment For Peripheral Neuropathy In Ra

Arthritis Of The Fingers – Everything You Need To Know – Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Treatment for peripheral neuropathy in RA aims to manage the underlying rheumatoid arthritis and relieve neuropathic symptoms. Your usual treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, such as disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs , may help prevent or relieve peripheral neuropathy symptoms. Aside from RA treatments, your health care provider may recommend the following suggestions to manage your neuropathy.

How Is Rheumatoid Vasculitis Treated

Treatment depends upon the size of the vessel, the organs affected, and the overall severity of the vasculitis. Vasculitis involving the fingertips and skin around the fingernails, or that only causes a rash, is treated with pain control, antibiotic cream, and local protection. Many rheumatoid arthritis patients who experience this kind of vasculitis are not being effectively treated for their joint disease. Drugs that treat rheumatoid arthritis, can be started and often improve both the joint symptoms and the vasculitis.

Because more serious rheumatoid vasculitis is rare, studies comparing an active drug to an inactive material have not been published. Treatment recommendations for vasculitis that causes nerve damage, skin ulcers, and damage to internal organs rely on descriptions of series of patients with vasculitis and your doctor’s previous experience.

When this kind of vasculitis occurs, despite adequate treatment of joint disease, stronger treatments to control the immune system are used. When any of these treatments are used, very careful monitoring by a doctor is necessary.

Grinding Of The Joints

In a healthy joint, a layer of cartilage covers and cushions the bones. In an arthritic joint, the cartilage wears away and can even disappear altogether.

As the cartilage wears away, you may experience a grinding or grating sensation in your joints. Bone-on-bone contact causes the sensation.

This contact will be painful, and the loss of cartilage will appear on X-rays as a loss of joint space.

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Who Is At Risk Of Developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Women are three times more likely than men to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. People with diabetes or other metabolic disorders that directly affect the bodys nerves and make them more susceptible to compression are also at high risk. CTS usually occurs only in adults.

Workplace factors may contribute to existing pressure on or damage to the median nerve. The risk of developing CTS is not confined to people in a single industry or job, but may be more reported in those performing assembly line worksuch as manufacturing, sewing, finishing, cleaning, and meatpackingthan it is among data-entry personnel.

How Often Is Hand Pain Caused By Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Pin by tasolnamee on Healthcare by Shalby Hospital

While carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition, it has a different set of symptoms from many other sources of hand pain. There are actually several similar conditions that cause hand pain. These include:

  • De Quervains tendinosis: A condition where swelling affects the wrist and base of the thumb. In this condition, you will feel pain when you make a fist and simulate shaking someones hand.
  • Trigger finger: This condition causes soreness at the base of the finger or thumb. Trigger finger also causes pain, locking and stiffness when bending the fingers and thumb.
  • Arthritis: This is a general term for many conditions that cause stiffness and swelling in your joints. Arthritis can impact many joints in your body and ranges from causing small amounts of discomfort to breaking down the joint over time .

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How Will It Affect Me

The symptoms of hand osteoarthritis can vary between different people and over time. You’ll probably have good days and bad days. You may find this depends on what you’re doing, but sometimes there may not be any obvious reason.

If the joints are inflamed then they’re likely to look swollen and red and to feel warm and tender to the touch. You’re likely to have pain, especially when using your hands but sometimes even while resting. Swelling can also cause the soft tissues around a joint to stretch, which can make your hands feel weak or unstable.

As we use our hands such a lot in daily life, pain, stiffness or poor grip strength can cause problems with a wide variety of tasks and activities including:

  • opening jars and cans
  • holding a pen or cutlery
  • doing up buttons or zips
  • shaving, brushing your teeth, or drying yourself after a bath or shower.

Hand osteoarthritis often tends to ‘burn out’ after a time. It may be painful for a few years and then the pain may improve, especially if only the small finger joints are affected. Any firm, knobbly swellings or nodes that have developed will remain though. And the range of movement in the joints doesn’t always improve even when the pain does.

Sometimes the weather, especially cold weather, can make your symptoms worse. However, the weather won’t affect the long-term outlook or how the condition progresses.

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In the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis, pain is commonly felt in the fingers and wrists.

This may then progress to the knees, feet, ankles or shoulders too.

Signs of rheumatoid arthritis tend to begin slowly and can come and go in bouts.

The severity of the disease varies, with three-quarters experiencing some joint pain, swelling and flare-ups, however five per cent of people will develop severe disease with extensive disability, according to Arthritis Research UK.

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Whats Causing My Hand Pain And Tingling

There are many causes of hand pain and numbness, including wrist problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome and systemic disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis . What many people dont know, however, is that hand pain and numbness often stems from a problem in the neck. See Carpal Tunnel Syndrome vs. Cervical Radiculopathy.

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Getting An Accurate Diagnosis

Hand Pain and Numbness in the Fingers or Thumbs

Your physician should start out with a basic medical history and exam. A nerve conduction study can confirm or rule out carpal tunnel syndrome. If the doctor suspects the numbness may be caused by cervical radiculopathy, imaging studies like MRIs can be helpful. Diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis can be a bit trickier. An accurate diagnosis will require blood tests and imaging exams along with a full medical history.

See Indications and Contraindications for an MRI Scan

I am writing this blog because I feel many people are being given a wrong diagnosis. A member of my own family even had surgery to treat a supposed case of carpal tunnel syndrome, when in fact this person had a cervical herniated disc.

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Tips To Manage Numbness

  • See your doctor to get the right diagnosis and find out if the numbness is indeed caused by OA, or if there is another underlying problem. While physical examination, medical history and X-ray can help to diagnose OA, these procedures and tests cant tell you much about the nerves. A consultation with a neurologist, EMG tests and MRI could give a better idea how your nerves are affected.
  • If the numbness is caused by OA, getting the optimal treatment for this condition may improve the numbness as well. OA treatment includes medication , and physical therapy.
  • Exercise regularly, to keep your bones healthy, your muscles strong, and the joints flexible and less inflamed. It can also help you lose any extra pounds, which otherwise would put additional pressure on your joints. A well designed arthritis exercise plan should include strengthening exercises , aerobic exercises , range of motion exercises and balance exercises . If your joints are swollen, you may need to take anti inflammatory drugs to make the exercise easier, and ice the joints afterwards- make sure you talk to healthcare professional before starting to exercise.
  • Weight control is best achieved with a combination of exercise and diet. Adopt a healthy, clean diet based on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and fish, healthy oils, nuts and fish. Processed foods are loaded with unhealthy fats and refined sugar, which promote inflammation and massive weight gain.
  • What Is Peripheral Neuropathy

    Peripheral neuropathy is not a disease in and of itself. Instead, it is a general term that refers to a group of disorders caused by damage to the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system connects the nerves from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. These nerves run to the limbs, hands, and feet, as well as the internal organs, joints, skin, and more. Damage on the peripheral nerves can cause symptoms like pain and numbness in the affected areas.

    Peripheral neuropathy may be classified according to where nerve damage occurs. The most common form of the condition is polyneuropathy damage to many peripheral nerves at once. Mononeuropathy, on the other hand, refers to damage to a single nerve or nerve group.

    Peripheral neuropathy may also be categorized by the type of damage and symptoms a person has. Carpal tunnel syndrome is perhaps one of the most well-known forms of the disorder. Carpal tunnel syndrome which is often caused by repetitive tasks, such as typing on a keyboard can cause numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand, wrist, and arm.

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    Rheumatoid Arthritis And Peripheral Neuropathy

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    Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of inflammatory arthritis known for causing joint symptoms, including pain, swelling, and stiffness. However, studies have shown that 10 percent to 20 percent of people with RA experience extra-articular manifestations . As many as 85 percent of people with RA experience peripheral neuropathy a group of disorders caused by damage to the peripheral nervous system.

    Peripheral neuropathy can cause a variety of symptoms, including increased sensitivity, muscle weakness or twitching, and painful sensations. If you experience any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor. They will be able to determine the cause of any new or worsened symptoms and work with you to find the right treatment.

    Conditions That Affect Blood Vessels Or Nerves

    Numb Fingers
    • amyloidosis, a rare condition that causes amyloid protein to build up in the organs and tissues of the body
    • Guillain-Barré syndrome, an autoimmune disorder affecting part of the nervous system, usually triggered by an infection
    • multiple sclerosis , a chronic disease that damages the protective coating around nerve cells
    • Sjögrens disease, an autoimmune disorder that sometimes causes numbness or tingling in hands or feet
    • vasculitis, a rare condition that involves inflammation of the blood vessels
    • fibromyalgia, a long-term condition causing pain, fatigue, and cognitive issues
    • thoracic outlet syndrome, a group of conditions that develop because of compression in the neck, affecting nerves and blood vessels that go to the arm
    • stroke, a medical emergency when blood flow to your brain is interrupted

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    Is Remission A Possibility

    I once asked my rheumatologist, point blank, if my Crohns went into remission would arthritis? She said most likely no. They seem to function separately.

    As the years progressed, I learned triggers for the painful neuropathy in my left hand–like travel or working for more than an hour.

    The same occasionally happened to my right hand, as well. Traveling with a heavy bag or rolling suitcase almost assuredly would set off an issue for me. Today, conferences create the perfect storm for my hands between travel, taking notes and leaning, carrying bags, and posting to social media from my phone.

    I have to continually reposition how I hold my phone and type to avoid neuropathy. Not to mention avoid dropping the phone before my hands go numb, as well.

    What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    While research tells us that women and older people are more likely to develop the condition frequently, there isnt just one factor that causes carpal tunnel syndrome.

    Your familys medical history is often related to carpal tunnel syndrome. Anatomic differences factor into the size of your carpal tunnel, which is directly related to your pain.

    For some people, repetitive hand use or how you position your wrist/hand affects whether or not you have carpal tunnel syndrome. Repetitive strain or activities that involve extreme flexion or extension of the hand and wrist for long periods put pressure on your nerve, thus causing carpal tunnel syndrome.

    Lastly, you may be at risk for developing carpal tunnel syndrome if youre pregnant or have diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid gland imbalance.

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    How Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosed

    First, your doctor will discuss your symptoms, medical history and examine you. Next, tests are performed, which may include:

    • Tinels sign: In this test, the physician taps over the median nerve at the wrist to see if it produces a tingling sensation in the fingers.
    • Wrist flexion test : In this test, the patient rests his or her elbows on a table and allows the wrist to fall forward freely. Individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome will experience numbness and tingling in the fingers within 60 seconds. The more quickly symptoms appear, the more severe the carpal tunnel syndrome.
    • X-rays: X-rays of the wrist may be ordered if there is limited wrist motion, or evidence of arthritis or trauma.
    • Electromyography and nerve conduction studies: These studies determine how well the median nerve itself is working and how well it controls muscle movement.

    Treating Symptoms Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    9 Exercises for Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Hands, by Dr. Andrea Furlan

    There are many different treatment options for RA-related carpal tunnel syndrome, according to Ruderman, and the majority of people who experience this complication can find relief. Treatment choices largely depend on the severity of the numbness.

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    A doctor might have you wear a wrist splint at night, for example, or get a steroid injection, or change the dosage or type of RA medication you’re on . In rare, severe cases, surgery may be necessary: A surgeon could cut the ligament that runs over the top of the carpal tunnel, giving the swelling a place to go and relieving some of the constant nerve pressure.

    Anecdotally, painting, crafting, and other art-based hobbies that use the hands may help people with rheumatoid arthritis, according to research published in the Indian Journal of Rheumatology. There are also different hand exercises you can do at home to help strengthen the hands and relieve pain and stiffness.

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    Treatments And Management Of Numbness And Tingling

    Regular physical activity and stretching can help improve joint mobility, increase flexibility, and decrease nerve compression to help treat numbness and tingling.

    Specific muscles to focus on stretching to relieve muscle tightness and potential nerve compression include:

    • Abnormal heart rhythms

    Early diagnosis can prevent serious complications. Call your healthcare provider immediately if you notice any of these symptoms.

    What Causes Hand Pain And Numbness

    Three common causes of chronic hand pain and numbness include cervical radiculopathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis.

    This page reviews some of the more common causes of pain and neurological symptoms in the handstarting with problems in the neck or cervical spine and comparing with other likely causes.

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    How Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes Numbness And Tingling

    Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory, autoimmune condition that causes the body to create antibodies that attack healthy joints. This results in joint pain, inflammation, and swelling that affect the joints and surrounding ligaments and nerves.

    When the inflammation of joints from rheumatoid arthritis affects nearby nerves, it can lead to nerve damage or compression that can result in symptoms of numbness and tingling.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Arthritis In The Hands

    Numbness in Hands Treatment Kerala

    Early symptoms include:

    • Dull or burning joint pain, appearing hours or a day after increased use of your hands.
    • Morning pain and stiffness in your hand.
    • Swollen joints in your hand.

    If youve had arthritis in your hand for some time:

    • Symptoms are present more often.
    • Pain may change from dull ache to sharp pain.
    • Pain may wake you up at night.
    • Pain may cause you to change the way you use your hand.
    • Tissue surrounding your affected joint may become red and tender to the touch.
    • Youll feel grating, grinding, cracking or clicking when bending your fingers.
    • Your fingers cant fully open and close.
    • Small bony nodules form on the middle joint of your fingers or at the top joints of your fingers .
    • Your finger joints become large and deformed and abnormally bent, leaving your hands weak and less able to accomplish everyday tasks.

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    Chronic Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy

    Peripheral neuropathy refers to the feeling of numbness, tingling, and pins-and-needles sensation in the feet. Idiopathic means the cause is not known, and chronic means the condition is ongoing without getting better or worse.

    The condition is most often found in people over age 60. Idiopathic neuropathy has no known cause.

    Symptoms include uncomfortable numbness and tingling in the feet difficulty standing or walking due to pain and lack of normal sensitivity and weakness and cramping in the muscles of the feet and ankles.

    Peripheral neuropathy can greatly interfere with quality of life, so a medical provider should be seen in order to treat the symptoms and reduce the discomfort.

    Diagnosis is made through physical examination blood tests to rule out other conditions and neurologic and muscle studies such as electromyography.

    Treatment involves over-the-counter pain relievers prescription pain relievers to manage more severe pain physical therapy and safety measures to compensate for loss of sensation in the feet and therapeutic footwear to help with balance and walking.

    Rarity: Rare

    Top Symptoms: distal numbness, muscle aches, joint stiffness, numbness on both sides of body, loss of muscle mass

    Urgency: Primary care doctor

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